Obsidian Blog

When Treatment Makes Low T Even Lower

As a urologist who specializes in testosterone deficiency, I can assure you that the last thing a man wants is even lower T readings after he’s begun treatment. I see this maybe four or five times a year, and it baffles patients and non-expert physicians alike. Yet...

Five ways to get your “Heart On” this Valentines Day

Schedule a consultation and mention  “Heart On” before Feb 20th and receive 10% off your initial consultation.   Want to make sure you’re able to perform this Valentines Day? Here are five tips for making sure you get your heart on. 1. Dump the routine!...

Testosterone Replacement Therapy: Consult the Pros Only, Please

I’ve written before about the perils of treating low testosterone with anything other than medically sound therapies under the guidance of an expert urologist or endocrinologist. To understand why, look no further than the array of anti-aging clinics nationwide...

Treating Low T with Supplements? Think Again.

  Low testosterone is a drag. When a man’s testicles stop producing adequate amounts of the stuff, he’s got testosterone-deficiency syndrome (TDS), which brings with it a host of problems: fatigue, dysphoria, sexual dysfunction, increased body fat and difficulty...


About our Physicians

Our urologists have more than 30 years of combined experience helping men achieve and maintain a healthy sex life. More about Shane Geib, M.D. and Marc Richman, M.D.