Obsidian Blog

Testosterone Replacement Therapy: Which Type Is Best?

I’ve been treating testosterone-deficiency syndrome as a urologist for more than a decade. I’ve used every form of therapy available in the United States: Clomid, human chorionic gonadotropin, various gels, several types of testosterone patches, implantable...

Why are the holidays the PERFECT time for an Obsidian Vasectomy? Read On

The holidays are approaching fast. Is your first thought, “I should get a vasectomy now!”? We didn’t think so, but here are a few reasons why this is the perfect time to call Obsidian Men’s Health and schedule your vasectomy before the end of the year. No need to take...

Optimal Testosterone Control

  Testosterone deficiency syndrome — or Low T— is a medical condition caused by insufficient levels of the male hormone, testosterone. Symptoms of testosterone deficiency syndrome (TDS) include fatigue, sexual dysfunction, lack of motivation, dysphoria and...

The Testosterone Dilemma

  Like any medical treatment, the decision to use testosterone replacement therapy must be based on individual factors, and a frank conversation with one's doctor. Experts continue to debate the long-term risks and benefits of testosterone replacement therapy...


About our Physicians

Our urologists have more than 30 years of combined experience helping men achieve and maintain a healthy sex life. More about Shane Geib, M.D. and Marc Richman, M.D.