Why Primary Care Doctors Are Falling Short in the Area of Men's Sexual Health
An interesting article in the September 2014 edition of the Journal of Sexual Medicine finds that primary care physicians in Argentina are unlikely to ask their patients about sexual problems and less than half applied basic diagnostic methods to men with...
The Testosterone Dilemma
Like any medical treatment, the decision to use testosterone replacement therapy must be based on individual factors, and a frank conversation with one's doctor. Experts continue to debate the long-term risks and benefits of testosterone replacement therapy...
How can younger men benefit from ED medications?
Do only old men take ED drugs such as Viagra and Cialis? Absolutely not. In this video, Dr. Geib explains how younger men can benefit from ED medications when prescribed by a urologist.
10 Sexual-Dysfunction Myths Demolished
Perhaps predictably, the topic of male sexual dysfunction is a hothouse of misinformation, irredeemably goofy folk wisdom and flat-out falsehoods. What are the 10 most common misconceptions about this enormously important area of health care? Let’s lay them out: 1....
Don’t fall for the “Erection Guarantee”
by Marc Richman, M.D. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is defined as the inability to achieve or maintain a rigid erection adequate for sexual intercourse. ED can be devastating to men and their sexual partners. When men experience ED they often become frantic with concern...
About our Physicians
Our urologists have more than 30 years of combined experience helping men achieve and maintain a healthy sex life. More about Shane Geib, M.D. and Marc Richman, M.D.